Apply to Holy Spirit

Enrollment Updates

New student applications are now being accepted for Gr. 2 - 7.

The 2025-26 PreK, Kindergarten and Gr. 1 classes are full. Applications have been closed for these grades.

How to Apply

Online applications for the upcoming school year will be accepted starting in October until all open spots are filled.

Submitting your application does not guarantee acceptance and the application is not considered complete until all required documents and payment of the associated fee are received.  

It is recommended that parents take a tour of the school and connect with Jen Giannone, Director of Advancement, prior to completing an application so both parent and school personnel can make an informed decision.


All currently enrolled students in good standing will be automatically re-enrolled for the next school year. No further action is required. Siblings of current school families in good standing will follow.

Applications for new school families will be accepted based a review of the complete application, verification of parishioner status, and the order of acceptance listed below.

  1. Children of current and participating Holy Spirit parishioners registered within the parish for over one year

  2. Children of current and participating Holy Spirit parishioners registered within the parish for less than one year

  3. Children of current and participating parishioners of another Catholic parish for more than one year documented by a Letter of Good Standing from their current parish.

  4. Children of current and participating parishioners of another Catholic parish for less than one year documented by a Letter of Good Standing from their current parish.

  5. Catholics not registered with a parish.

  6. Students of other faith traditions seeking a Catholic education.

Participating parishioners are those that have been registered with the parish for one year, submitted a complete Stewardship Form and fulfilled their commitment to Time, Talent, and Treasure. After the order of acceptance is complete, applications are reviewed and accepted based on the submission date of the school application at the discretion of the school administration.


Holy Spirit School will not discriminate against otherwise qualified applicants on the basis of sex, race, disability, color, nationality or ethnic origin in the administration of their educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs and athletic or other school administered programs. 

Preference is given to children whose families are registered members of Holy Spirit Parish.  Families interested in joining Holy Spirit Parish may contact the Ministry Center at 893-3982.