Faith Learning
Holy Spirit School provides faith learning centered in our pillars: to know, to love, to serve.

Faith Development
Faith development and spiritual growth are woven into our daily program. Students attend weekly liturgy with an opportunity to serve as lectors, servers, gift bearers and choir members. Special liturgies and prayer services are celebrated throughout the year including Grandparents’ Day, Holy Days of Obligation, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and May Procession.
Sacramental Preparation
Holy Spirit School integrates Sacramental preparation into the classroom.
First Reconciliation - 2nd grade
First Communion - 2nd grade
Confirmation - 7th grade
Service Learning
At Holy Spirit School, we feel that integrating service-learning opportunities into the curriculum helps us teach our students to be followers of Jesus Christ. There are school-wide service weeks each trimester where teachers select organizations that align well with curriculum, and some grade levels will have a different local group each trimester.
During the service weeks, the focus will be on:
educational lessons (To Know)
a prayer service (To Love)
hands-on service activities (To Serve)
Room parents will help support teachers by organizing volunteers to support service events. Some of the organizations that we have serve include:
Blessings in a Backpack
Catholic Charities
Hand in Hand Ministries
Toys for Tots