Our goal is to make sure that every person who walks through our doors feels genuinely welcomed and valued. By striving to exemplify Christ’s love and compassion, we may provide a positive first impression to visitors and strengthen the bonds of friendship with existing parishioners. In the words of Bishop Robert Barron, “The mark of the Holy Spirit is joy!” Our hope is that we may convey that joy through our interactions within our faith community and beyond.
Thank you for your generosity of time and energy to be a part of this ministry. Your kindness and enthusiasm are greatly appreciated and will make a difference to those whom you encounter.
We welcome the chance to connect with each of you, learn your story of devotion to our parish and hear your thoughts on how we can make our team even stronger.
If you want to be a part of the Greeter Ministry, please reach out to Mary.
Contact Mary Ewing at mary.ewing@twc.com.