Students (and Parents!)
Enjoy Lunch

  • We mainly use fresh or frozen vegetables

  • We offer fresh, frozen and canned fruit

  • No added MSG

  • We never fry, only oven bake

  • Our soups and salad dressings are made from scratch

  • We use Deans milk products

  • We batch cook so the food is freshly prepared for each lunch group.

  • Our daily offerings are baked potato, chicken nuggets, yogurt parfait, grilled cheese, and an uncrustable.

  • We use clean label food products, this ensures that the food is minimally processed with nothing added.

  • Download our Free or Reduced Lunch Form

Lunch Menu

Volunteers Needed!

Help us to serve the students and wipe down the serving area once lunch services have ended. First lunch is 10:40, please arrive about 10:30. You should be finished no later than 12:30.

Lunch Accounts

Create a free account and easily make payments online and on‑the‑go with the MySchoolBucks app:

  • Check cafeteria balances & purchases

  • Receive low balance alerts

  • Set up automatic payments

  • Pay for school-related items

New students will be assigned their lunch number on the first day of school.

Cafeteria Handbook

We work diligently to balance many aspects of menu planning. Food combinations, preparation, storage, cost, food safety, seasonal availability, equipment, and aesthetic appeal all play a part in providing healthy meals to maximize student participation.