St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP)
St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) performs services designed to help those in our community in need as they work toward self-reliance. When called upon we “twin” with other conferences to help clients with rent, utilities, etc. Any donations for St. Vincent DePaul can be made in the Poor boxes. Check donations must be made payable to St. Vincent DePaul.
Here is a list of the projects that we are involved in:
Donation Box: Located in our Rotunda. All donated items are delivered either to the Thrift Shop or The SVDP Food Pantry.
We have two groups that serve meals at the SVDP Open Hands Kitchen twice a month.
We host a “Movie Night” for the residents of the Men’s Shelter quarterly. We supply a movie, drinks and goodies.
Each September we host the “Coffee and Doughnut Sunday”. We also use this time to encourage people to join our conference.
In October we host a “Halloween Party” for the children on the SVDP Campus.
Each Christmas we have an “Angel Tree” in Church with the names of children in our area who need gifts for the holidays.
Additionally, in December we volunteer at the Santa Shop that SVDP holds on their Campus to help needy families throughout the city.
Contact Mary Weckman at 502-649-8136 or maryjweckman002@gmail.com.