School Communications
Stay Connected
Holy Spirit School offers a variety of communication methods to keep school families informed.
Sycamore School Management
Sycamore School Management is your one-stop resource for all school information. Through Sycamore, you can access your student’s profile, grades and assignments, school documents, schedules conferences, and provides a method for teachers to communication with their class page and email communications. It also includes includes our school activities calendar, Falcon News archive, cafeteria menu, and a school directory.
Falcon News
Falcon News is an email sent to current school families to provide updates and reminders of the latest school-wide information. It is sent at the end of each week during the school year and monthly in the summer. To view current and past newsletters, please visit the “News” section at sycamore.school or on the Sycamore app on your phone. Our school ID is 3595. New school families will receive the Future Falcon News in the months leading up to their entry into Holy Spirit. If you have questions regarding school-wide activities not found on Sycamore or the Falcon News, please contact Jen Giannone.
Reach Text Alerts
REACH Alert provide timely weather, traffic, and other emergency updates, as well as general school reminders like early dismissal days.
Teacher Communications
Teacher communications are your best source for class-level information. Class communications may come to your student, sent via a email newsletter, and/or on the class page on Sycamore from your student's teachers. Teachers will explain their method of communication at the start of the school year. If you have questions, please contact your student’s room parent or teacher directly.
Social Media
Our Facebook and Instagram social media are used to highlight school activities and information to the community. To submit pictures for our social media pages, please email Jen Giannone (School) or Mel Park (Parish/Athletics) with a brief description of your picture.
Parent-Run Communications
PTO provides an additional level of parent-run communications through Room Parent communications, GroupMe, and Open PTO Meetings.
The Consultative School Board provides communications via Board Meeting Updates in Falcon News.
If you are not receiving communications or need to make a change to your contact information, please email jgiannone@hspiritschool.org.